
Move the Stone:  Releasing the Power of Ordinary People

Move the Stone: Releasing the Power of Ordinary People

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Donna Willy’s book will charge your spiritual battery.  You’ll find yourself saying again and again, “I agree!,” “Yes!” ‘That’s beautiful,” or “What an encouragement!”  God’s gift to her will be her gift to you as her perceptive writing skills move you to the core of your being.  Read this book; you’ll see, and you’ll love it. --Ruthie Jacobsen, Prayer Ministries North American Division

The Rod and Donna Willy story is one you won’t want to miss.  It is full of hope and courage, and evidence that when we trust God with all our hearts, no large stone can block the power of Jesus’ resurrection in our own lives.  Warning!  Reading this book can actually change your life.  You will never regret it. --Ron Clouzet, Director of the NAD Evangelism Institute

Rod and Donna Willey exemplify what god desires to see in all ordinary people in the church – a burning passion for the work of God and a willingness to sacrifice their time and lives for the sake of the cause of Christ.  In planting and pastoring a church, they have deeply given of themselves and in turn have experienced a powerful spiritual reawakening in their own lives.  It is this kind of commitment that will hasten the coming of Jesus.  Read their fascinating story and then go and do likewise. --Russell Burrill, Professor Emeritus, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews UniversityDr.

Rod and Donna Willey are pioneer lay church planters in the North American Division.  They have been an inspiration to literally thousands of ordinary people, pastors and church administrators.  I’ve personally been deeply moved by their dedication and dependence on God.  You will be blessed to step into their story as you gain courage to fight the good fight of faith. --Tom L. Evans, Associate Director of the NAD Evangelism Institute